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Trampoline and Tumbling Gymnastics Classes

want to learn a new sport or improve your tumbling?

Trampoline & Tumbling

Start in Preschool and progress your way up!


  • Improve coordination between the mind and body
  • Push personal limits out of comfort zone in a safe environment
  • Strengthen muscles and increase flexibility
  • Have fun on trampolines in a safe and controlled environment

what's new this fall?!

Exciting news! Our Tramp & Tumble Director has improved our class offerings and reorganized our structure.
See the PDF below for detailed descriptions of each class. 
Not sure which of the new Levels is best for your child, please contact the office to schedule a free assessment! 763-421-3046

annual spring show & shinobi shindig

Read More Here!

May 31 & June 1
This annual event is an awesome way for kids to 'show off' what they've learned over the school year!
Deadline to Register: March 15th

What is trampoline & tumbling?

The trampoline and tumbling recreational program is a great place for kids to learn coordination, discipline, and advanced skills on a forgiving surface.

Kids will learn how to master three events:

Beyond Classes: Join our Team

If an athlete loves and excels in trampoline and tumbling, they can further advance by joining our internationally known trampoline and tumbling team. On team, kids will compete routines at competitions throughout the state and country. More info HERE

Meet Charlie Larson

Former T&T National Team Member 

Birthdate: 8/4/2003, Graduated 2022
Program: Trampoline & Tumbling
Level: Senior
Read More on our Team Page

Which Class should I sign up for next?

Classes are designed to let your child grow and progress to the next level. It's our goal to teach them a solid foundation so they will progress safely. Coaches will let you know when a child has passed to the next level.

To see how  the Program progresses, click on the following.

For more information about our philosophy and what to expect about advancing through our levels, please click HERE

how is my child progressing?

Coaches are always watching and evaluating skills. They will make every attempt to communicate with each family on a quarterly basis.

Skill Achievement reports are available online through the Parent Portal.

Go to top right corner, ACCOUNT tab, find your student, find their skills. Detailed instructions here:

Tramp & Tumble class descriptions Fall 2024